Social Media

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  • Man looking at phone with social media apps surrounding him

    Celebrating National Social Media Day

    National Social Media Day is June 30! The creation and evolution of social media apps and sites have dramatically changed the way we live and communicate with others. In our blog, learn about the impact of social media and why this day is celebrated!

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  • College student looking at her phone to see the most useful apps for school

    6 Of The Best Apps For College Students

    If you are a college student, saving time and making the best use of technology is important to stay on top. Check out these apps that will help with your studies and schedule!

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  • 5 ways to improve your relationships title with a man and woman each looking at their phones

    Five Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Social Media

    Don’t get us wrong: Social media is wonderful. It keeps you in touch with friends and family. It makes you laugh. It shows you the world. Chances are you’re reading this blog because you s...

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  • Woman Smiling

    So, what’s your &?

    Lately, we've been asking ourselves and our students something really important: What's Your & Of course that question raises another question: What does it mean?

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  • Don’t Let Social Media Kill Your Career

    Social media can kill your career. That’s not surprising, nor is it new. But right now, with recent college graduates out there job hunting and since it is an election year, this is a great time to...

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  • December Web Clips - Job Search Tips and More

    We've found a collection of articles from around the web that talk about job search tips, keys for acing finals and lots more. Give these a read so you have the edge in your next interview or when ...

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