
OG真人安卓: The Secret Weapon of Student Success

凯利马里安尼 smiles at the camera with her hand on her face

When I first started my career at OG真人安卓 more than 19 years ago, I began as an advisor with OG真人安卓 on the 亨丽埃塔 campus. 在10年的时间里, I went from focusing on a single campus to all the Rochester and Western New York campuses, and now to all 17 campuses and online in my current role as systems manager of career services.

I have witnessed incredible student success stories, and I have had a unique opportunity to create a path of success for each student individually. Every college has a career services department, but we are actively working to give extraordinary service and opportunities to all our students and to provide offerings that most colleges do not have. Taking advantage of the full benefits of OG真人安卓 is one of the best ways students can prepare for job success after graduation.

A member of the OG真人安卓 team is with a student from their first semester to past graduation. 当一个学生开始在布莱恩特 & 斯垂顿学院, OG真人安卓 will be involved right from orientation. We want to know our students and support them from the start of their education. 布莱恩特大学的很多学生 & Stratton may not be coming right from high school. Many of them are parents, employed full time, and going back to school to further their education. 对于这些学生, we need to be t在这里 from the start to ensure that they can balance their schoolwork and their personal and professional lives. Every student on campus is required to complete an internship before graduation. This can be a daunting thought if you are a parent. 然而, OG真人安卓 will help that student make a comprehensive plan and schedule to complete their internship.

随着学生们临近最后一年, they attend a career development course to learn the ins and outs of writing a resume and attending job interviews. Many students do a graded mock in-person or virtual interview with actual employers to get that real-life experience. When a student is ready for graduation, they have a graduate transition interview with OG真人安卓, w在这里 we discuss the student’s plans after graduation. We also set up meetings after graduation to check in on their progress.

We offer career service assistance to alumni too. I have had students who graduated 10 to 15 years ago call us after a layoff looking for assistance or needing help dusting off their resume — we are always t在这里 to help.

While students are still in school, each 布赖恩特 & Stratton campus has numerous networking opportunities when employers come on campus for job and information fairs — it’s never too early or too late to work on your resume. We encourage all students to take advantage of these events. We are always working on developing new relationships with employers for these events and also for internships.

For online students, we have a full OG真人安卓 team to assist them as well. We’ve also worked really hard the past couple of years to build employer relationships nationally. 在线 students also participate in a capstone experience, 让他们亲自动手, real-world experience for their resumes after graduation. Many of our online students also actually live near one of our campuses, and they are always welcome to attend any event or stop by the campus OG真人安卓 office anytime. Building a bridge from our online students to the ground campuses is a priority.

OG真人安卓 in many ways is the secret weapon of continued student success. 我们和每个学生一起工作, as well as student advisors and professors, to formulate the best path for every individual student. 我们总是在这里帮助你.

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